“Conserve Energy to Preserve Future”
To instil in students a sense of, responsible and efficient usage of energy and to help them achieve practical knowledge to carry out energy audit and implement good energy management practices.
The mission of energy audit cell is to equip and develop competency to carry out the energy audit in domestic buildings, commercial buildings and campuses to identify the wastage of energy and minimize the procurement of energy.
Academic Year 2020-2021
Faculty in charge : Stany E George, Dr. Surya Susan Alex
Office bearers
‘The BEST way to PREDICT the FUTURE is to DESIGN it.’
Federal Institute of Science and Technology, FISAT presents “FUTURATE – An ideation for a better tomorrow” an all Kerala Idea Pitching Competition open to students of schools and colleges. The main motive of this contest is to give all the ignited minds a wonderful platform to express their ideas.
The theme for the contest is Future Energy Challenge.
Through FUTURATE, let’s all join our hands together to conserve first and let the Sun do the rest. Finally, ENERGY CONSERVED is LIFE PRESERVED.

>> Individual participation or a team of maximum 2 members.
>> The contest is opened for two levels: School Level and College Level
> School Level: Students from class 8th – 12th
> College Level: UG, PG and diploma students
>> Free registration.
>> Event consist of two rounds
> Round1: Short video presentation
> Round2: Online presentation
>> A panel of experts will review the entries and adjudge the winners of the competition
>> The decisions taken by the judging panel/ organizers will be final.
>> Cash prize worth 10K will be awarded to the winners.
>> E- Certificates will be provided to all participants.
FUTURATE: Rounds and Timelines
Round 1: Preliminary Short listing
>> Participants shall present their original and innovative ideas by uploading a short video.
>> Duration of video shall be maximum 4 minutes.
>> Upload the video along with the registration form.
>> Short listing criteria for Round 2:
> Innovation
> Technology used
> Presentation
>> Last date of registration is 10th May, 2021.
Click Here for Registration & Short Video Uploading
>> Results of Round 1 will be announced by Third week May 2021
Round 2: Judges round
>> Shortlisted participants have to give an online presentation of their ideas.
>> Presentation shall not exceed 10 minutes
>> Promising innovative and practical ideas will be given technical support and space for incubation.
>> Digital Transformation for Energy Efficiency
>> Application of IoT in Energy Conservation and Management
>> Energy Efficient Building
>> Sustainable Homes
>> Energy Management in Educational Institutions
>> Energy from Waste