Alumni interaction series CIVIL HOUSE is a series of events organized by department of Civil Engineering to facilitate interaction and engagement between alumni and current students . In addition to creating a sense of community, these events provide networking opportunities for students. These talks can also motivate students to aim high in their own careers.
The following are the interaction series that have been conducted so far
Civil House Season 1
Talk 1: Ashish Johnson (Batch 2017), Production Supervisor, Concrete New Zealand Ltd., 11.06.2021

Civil House Season 1
Talk 2: Akhil M Unni (Batch 2015), Quantity Surveyor, HIlls and Fort Construction LLC, Dubai, 18.06.2021

Civil House Season 1
Talk 3: Gouri C T (Batch 2016), Senior Associate in Consulting and Valuation, CBRE-Coldwell Banker Richard Ellis, India, 18.09.2021

Civil House Season 1
Talk 4: Alphy Cristo Thomas, Assistant Engineer, Tata Steel Ltd., 09.10.2021

Civil House Season 1
Talk 5: Akshaye Salil Kumar (Batch 2017), Junior Project Manager, Croudace Constructs, Adelaide, Australia, 27.11.2021

Civil House Season 2
Talk 1: Abhishek P Nair (Batch 2013), Directorate of Lighthouses and Lightships, Kochi, Kadavanthra, 11.12.2021

Civil House Season 3
Talk 1 : Adarsh Manoj and Eldhose Roy (Batch 2016)

Civil House Season 3
Talk 2 : Nison James (Batch 2014)

Civil House Season 3
Talk 3 : Thanveer Ahamed K (Batch 2015)