Rolling Stone- Literary Association of FISAT channelises the literary, creative talents of students and provides them a platform to showcase them. By giving an outlet to their artistic and literary potential, many tech-savy students find this venue a very fulfilling experience. Competitions are held in various literary items (essay writing , poetry writing, painting, poster designing, film review and the like) to pick out the best to represent FISAT at Inter-collegiate competitions. Moreover effective Event Management training is given to students by organizing various functions.
We have set up a debate forum to pickout the best to represent FISAT at inter collegiate and inter-university avenues.Toastmasters is another venture under the Rolling Stone which brings out the public speaking skills of our students.The Rolling Stone has a tradition of bringing out a manuscript magazine that includes creative writings, paintings and cartoons.
The activities we conduct enables our students to carry out functions and learn effective event management. The TedxFISAT event conducted in the FISAT campus was one of its flagship events.