SAME-Student Association of Mechanical Engineering is the official association of the students of Mechanical Engineering Department at FISAT. It has the vision and mission of dissemination of technology related knowledge to different strata of society and social activities in parallel. A vibrant plan of workshops and symposiums for external students, especially school students, for technology related topics is on anvil. It is planned that, in the near future, the association will take its responsibility to a new level by introducing new activities, beneficial to both the students and the society. This is a goal set by our governing body, the FBOAES.
Student Chapters of professional bodies at FISAT like the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME-FISAT) and Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE-FISAT) work independently but under the aegis of Student Association of Mechanical Engineering (SAME).
It is a place for the alumni of the department to connect and reminisce about their college days. It is a transparent wall for the prospective students to ascertain the honesty behind the claims of the department. Most importantly, it is a community for the students to engage with and grow together to be skilled individuals.
Some of the key features are:
>> Student Portfolio
>> Easy access of professors’ notes online.
>> Information about upcoming events and activities.
>> Online portal for registration to bootcamps, events and activities conducted by the department.
>> Showcase of past events and fests conducted.
>> Student blog.
>> Access to contact information of alumni.
>> Services provided: Inductions and technical talks conducted at other colleges.