As per the MCA curriculum, during the final semester every student should do a project based on any of the recent technologies. This project work aims to enable the students to apply the software engineering principles on a real software project, to make the students familiar with the stages of a deployment pipeline and to develop a software product using the latest software development methodology.
The project shall be an individual project. Students shall identify Real-Life Projects which are relevant and useful to the society or industry. A faculty from the department will be assigned as the Internal Guide and another faculty is assigned as the Scrum Master to continuously monitor the project development. Git is used for Version Control and Git commit history have been verified as part of project evaluation. LaTeX or an equivalent tool is used for preparing their Presentations and Project Report.
Also, Project exhibition of top 10 projects is conducted towards the end of the project development. External experts are invited to evaluate their projects and the outstanding project(s) will be recommended for the Best Project Award of the year.
Project Details