To prepare the students to meet the demands of growing industries and to mould them into successful professionals, globally competent and morally upright, in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, contributing to nation building and the progress of humanity.
M1: To impart quality and value based education enabling the students to become solution providers for the growing challenges in the industry and society.
M2: To create awareness among the students, the impact of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in the global scenario and the challenges of electrical based industries and organizations.
M3: To enhance the competitiveness of the graduates for higher studies by promoting research and development in the field of electrical as well as interdisciplinary subjects.
Programme Educational Objective (PEO)
PEO1: Graduates of this program will be capable of demonstrating professional excellence by developing better solutions to problems related to electrical and electronics engineering in industry and society.
PEO2: Graduates of this program will be engineers with professional competence, effective communication skills, social commitment, ethical acumen and good team spirit enabling them to have successful careers or entrepreneurs in diverse cultural and interdisciplinary backgrounds.
PEO3: Graduates of this program will be able to pursue higher studies and to adapt diligently to ever changing conditions with lifelong learning and positive attitude.