Grants and Funded Projects

Grants offered from Government and Non-Government agencies for research projects, sponsored events and Project Competitions during last 4 years.

Academic Year Amount
2023-2024 Rs. 35,47,898/-
2022-2023 Rs. 12,21,149/-
2021-2022 Rs. 1,33,000/-
2020-2021 Rs. 8,72,598/-
Total Rs. 57,74,645/-

Academic Year 2023-2024

  • Grants offered from Government and Non-Government agencies for research projects, sponsored events during Academic Year 2023-24.

A total of Rs 35,47,898/- has been received/sanctioned for the Academic Year 2023-2024.

Item Amount
Grants for startups 5,00,000/-
University Research Grants 22,17,238/-
KTU Student Project 93,260/-
Seed Money for Research 6,00,000/-
Grants for Organizing Conference 1,10,000/-
Grants for Organizing Workshops/FDP/Seminar 25,000/-
Grants for IPR Awareness and patent filing 2,400/-
Total 35,47,898/-


Grant for Startups:

A startup (Rastelx Technologies Private Ltd) incubated at federal labz FISAT has received a grant of Rs 5,00,000/- from ministry of Agriculture and farmers welfare through the Kerala Agriculture University to develop SEVAFARM-a web portal for farmers to get a fair price. Ms. Raji P and Ms. Honey Devassy are the founders of the startup and both of them are Assistant professors in the EIE department.


CERD Research Grants



Name of the


Project No. Funding Agency Title of the project and duration Amount sanctioned
1 Lakshmi Raj/

Dr. ArunKumar M N



CERD, KTU Development of novel techniques for automated detection of cervical cancer

(3 years)

2 Jyotsna E/

Dr. Paul P Mathai

U.O.No.804/2023/KTU CERD, KTU Human action recognition using machine learning

(3 years)

3 Ms. Shanooja M A/

Dr. Anil kumar M N

U.O. No. 617/2023/KTU


CERD, KTU Development of a novel symmetric algorithm specific to selected prime fields

(3 years)

4 Mr. Ajith S Panackal/ Dr. Anil kumar M N U.O.No.617/2023/KTU


CERD, KTU Analysis of Cryptographic Algorithms (3 years) 5,69,869/-
Total 22,17,238/-


KTU Student Project

A sum total of Rs 93,260/- has been sanctioned.



Name of PI Title of Project Department Amount Sanctioned
1 Dr. Harish T M, Assistant Professor Methodological analysis into the mechanical and microstructural attributes of functionally graded Inconel 825-SS 304 L manufactured using wire arc additive manufacturing Mechanical Engineering 35,000/-
2 Mr. Pankaj Kumar G, Assistant Professor Efficient Image-to-Text Conversion for Railway and Disaster Management using LoRaWAN and Asus Prime X570 Computer Science and Engineering 31,000/-
3 Ms. Dhanya S, Assistant Professor Autonomous Search and Rescue Rover Electronics and Communication Engineering 27,260/-
Total 93,260/-

Seed Money for Research- Supported by FISAT

A total of 6 lakh rupees were granted to 12 principal investigators across 6 departments of FISAT. A list of Selected Projects in 2023-24 are given below.

Sl. No Name of Applicant Title of Project Sanctioned amount
1 Ms. Panjami K

Asst. Professor,

Civil Engineering Dept.

Study of Seismic Wave Propagation on underground cavities through Model Studies – A Step towards developing Low-cost Detection Tool Rs. 70,000/-
2 Dr. Harish T M

Asst. Professor (Spl. Grade),

Mechanical Engineering Dept.

Advanced Superalloy based Functionally Graded Materials development for critical applications through Metal Additive Manufacturing: Fabrication and Analysis Rs. 70,000/-
3 Dr. Sona Narayanan

Asst. Professor (Spl. Grade),

Science and Humanities Dept.

Development of cellulose nanocomposites for bone tissue engineering Rs. 65,000/-
4 Ms. Ambili A R

Asst. Professor (Sr. Grade), Electronics and Communication Engineering Dept.

5 Dr. Keerthi G. Nair

Asst. Professor,

Science and Humanities Dept.

Bimetallic nanoparticles embedded Carbon nanostructures-based room temperature Hydrogen gas sensors Rs. 60,000/-
6 Mr. Noble G

Asst. Professor (Spl. Grade), Electronics and Communication Engineering Dept.

Development of hardware architectures for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Rs. 60,000/-
7 Ms. Anisha Joseph

Asst. Professor (Spl. Grade),

Science and Humanities Dept.

A Study on SnO2, PANI/ SnO2 Nanocomposites and Thin Films on Acetone and LPG Sensing Rs. 50,000/-
8 Ms. Vidya T P

Asst. Professor (Spl. Grade),

Science and Humanities Dept.

Green synthesis of metal nanoparticles and their characterization Rs. 50,000/-
9 Ms. Raji P

Asst. Professor (Spl. Grade), Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Dept.

Wearable tracking device for kids Rs. 50,000/-
10 Dr. Abi P Mathew

Professor, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Dept.

Less Water Urinal Rs. 25,000/-
11 Lt. Dr. Prasad J C

Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Dept.

A Decentralized Approach to Certificate Management: Leveraging Blockchain Technology to Enhance Security and Transparency Rs. 25,000/-
12 Dr. Anish Mathew K

Asst. Professor (Sr. Grade), Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Dept.

Generation of electricity from solid waste material Rs. 15,000/-
    Total Rs. 6,00,000/-
    Six lakh Rupees only


Grants Received to organise Events

A total of Rs 1,37,400/- has been sanctioned for the Academic year 2023-2024.

Item Department Agency Amount
SPECon-2024: Second International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power and Renewable Energy on April 2 – 4, 2024 EEE KSCSTE 50,000/-
KTU 60,000/-
3-day National Seminar CE KSCSTE 25,000/-
KAPILA: Kalam Program for IP Literacy and Awareness IPR Cell MoE’s Innovation Cell (MIC) 2,400/-
    Total 1,37,400/-


Academic Year 2022-2023

  • Grants offered from Government and Non-Government agencies for research projects, sponsored events during Academic Year 2022-23.

A total of 12,21,149/- Rs has been received/sanctioned for the Academic Year 2022-2023.

Item Amount
Research Seed Money 2,25,000/-
KTU Student Project 32,000/-
Other Student Projects 3,50,000/-
KTU Funded FDP 5,04,149/-
DST- SERB Grant for Organizing Conference 1,10,000/-
Total 12,21,149/-


  • Grants offered from APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University for research projects, during Academic Year 2022-23.
  • RSM Research Seed Money 2023

A sum total of 2,25,000/- Rs has been sanctioned.

  • KTU Student Project

A sum total of 32,000/- Rs has been sanctioned.

Item Amount
KTU Student Project 32,000/-
Total 32,000/-

  • Other research grants
Dept Project title Amount offered
EIE Research support for the project

Smart Water management for sustainable world using IoT

through “Xplore 2023 Technology Award” by Phoenix Contact, Bloomberg, Germany

3500 Euro

(≈ 3 Lakh INR)


PI: Mr. Renjith R, Mr. Anoob Jose

Student Research Project Grant (SRPG) from ISHRAE (The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers)

50,000 INR


  • DST-SERB Grant for Organizing International Conference
Sl. No: Date Funding Agency Title of the Programme Coordinators Sanctioned Funds Dept.
1 23/02/23 to 25/02/23 DST-SERB International conference on The Recent Trends in Applications of Mathematics ICRTAM-2023 Dr. Seena Varghese 1,10,000 S&H


  • KTU Funded FDP for AY 2022-23

3 FDP proposals from FISAT have been selected for funding by KTU. EEE, ME & Basic Science (Physical Edn) depts. Bills for a total of 5,04,149 Rs has been submitted to KTU. Sanctioned full funding for 3 Faculty Development Programme for the academic year 2022-23

Sl. No Dates Title of the Programme Coordinators Sanctioned Funds Dept.
1 30-01-23 to 01-02-23 Hands on training on design ofpower Electronics systems Ms. Surya Natarajan, Ms. Jyothi GK 1,25,149 EEE
2 22-08-22 to 26-08-22 Propagation of EmergingTrends in Physical Educationand sports sciences Dr Arun S, Amal Dev 1,86,000 PE
3 30-01-23 to 03-02-23 Emerging Trends in AdditiveManufacturing Technologies Dr. Harish TM, Mr. Arun J Kulangara 1,93,000 ME


Academic Year 2021-2022

  • Grants offered from Government and Non-Government agencies for research projects, sponsored events during Academic Year 2021-22.

A total of 1,33,000/- Rs has been received/sanctioned for the Academic Year 2021-2022.


Item Amount
KTU Student Project 1, 33,000/-
Total 1, 33,000/-



Academic Year 2020-2021

  • Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects, sponsored events during Academic Year 2020-2021

A total of 8,72,598/- Rs has been received/sanctioned for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Item Amount
Research Seed Money 3,30,000/-
KTU Student Project 73,000/-
KSCSTE Student Project 1,28,000/-
Other Student Projects 17,800
KTU Funded FDP 1,88,798/-
AICTE Grant for Organizing Conference 50,000/-
Prize money from Project competitions 85,000/-
Total 8,72,598/-
  • Research Seed Money 2021

A sum total of 3,30,000/- Rs has been sanctioned.



Dept. Principal Investigator Project title Sanctioned Funds
1 CE Panjami K

Assistant Professor

Mapping of soil piping susceptible areas using integrated geophysical approach. 1,75,000/-
2 S & H Dr. Sona Narayanan

Assistant Professor

Development of Thiophene based Copolymers for Photovoltaic Applications 75,000/-
3 CSE Dr. Jestin Joy*

Assistant Professor

Investigating the effectiveness of gesture-based learning framework for deaf student 80,000/-


  • KTU Student Project

A sum total of 73,000/- Rs has been sanctioned.

Sl. No Principal Investigator Student Team Project title Sanctioned Funds
1 Dr. Rejeesh C R Associate Professor, ME 1.    Basil Sunny Alukka

2.    Issac Paul

Physio-Mechanical characterization of light weight composite pavement tiles made from recycled expanded polystyrene 30,000/-
2 Mr. Noble G

Assistant professor, ECE

1.    Meera R

2.    Jona Elsa Joy

3.    Upanya U Pai

4.    Sanjana Joshy

Fast walk-through gateway 23,000/-
3 Mr. MuhamedNoufal C

Assistant Professor, EEE

1.    Daniel Sunny

2.    Delwin D Arickal

3.    JeromJoyan

4.    Krishna Prasad N

Design and development of a low-cost home automation switch 15,000/-
4 Dr. Jestin Joy

Assistant Professor, CSE

1.    Anupriya Dominic

2.    Betty Perumayan

3.    Dharwish Raj

4.    Haneena Mohamed

Investigating the accessibility of university websites in the state of Kerala 5000/-


  • KTU Funded FDP for AY 2020-21

Bills for a total of 1,88,798 Rs has been submitted to KTU. Sanctioned full funding for 3 Faculty Development Programmes for the academic year 2020-21

Sl. No Dates Title of the Programme Coordinators Sanctioned Funds Dept.
1 22-7-21 to 28-7-21 Power converters: An embedded systems-based approach Surya Natarajan, Muhammed Noufal C 57,298 EEE
2 21-06-21 to 26-06-21 Construction Industry – Present and Future Trends Dr. Asha Joseph,

Dr. UnniKartha G

89,250 CE
3 21-07-21 to 23-07-21 Emerging Trends in AdvancedProduction and Industrial Engineering Dr. Rejeesh C R 41,450 ME
  • KSCSTE Student Project

A sum total of 1,28,000/- Rs has been sanctioned.

Sl. No Dept Title of the Proposal Principal Investigator (PI) Funds (₹)
1 CE Estimating Landslide Risk Management Index for Nilambur Taluk, Kerala using Analytic Hierarchy Process – A case study Mr. Jawahar Saud S 10000/-
2 CE Change Detection of Land Use Land Cover in Puzhakkal river basin Ms. Rinu J. Achison 10000/-
3 CE Recycled Plastic Laminate as a Sustainable Alternative to Wooden Lightweight Flexural Element Dr. Kavitha P. E. 10000/-
4 CSE Fully Convolutional Networks for Weed Detection Mrs. Merin Cherian 8000 /-
5 CSE Artificial Intelligence Technique for Gene Expression by Tumor RNA-Seq Data Dr. Prasad J C 10000/-
6 EEE Realization of bidirectional DC-DC converters for EV application using wide band gap power devices. Dr. Surya Susan Alex 10000/-
7 EEE Design and development of a two-phase buck converter for low power applications Dr. Parvathy R 10000/-
8 EEE Design and development of an experimental setup on the study of PV panels Mr. MuhamedNoufal C 10000/-
9 ECE Contactless UI control for lifts Mrs. Manju C P 10000/-
10 ECE Hospital sanitizing robot Mr. ANOOP E G 10000/-
11 ECE Face Mask Detection System Mr. Noble G 10000/-
12 ME Development of lightweight composite pavement tiles made from recycled Expanded Polystyrene Dr. Rejeesh C R 10000/-
13 ME Weldment Corrosion Analysis of Austenitic Stainless Steel Mr. Harish T M 10000/-
  • Other Student Projects
Sl. No: Project Title Ref. No:/ File No: Scheme/ Funding Agency Status Amount Sanctioned/ Received
1 Portable UV Torch CATDM/01/2020 CATDM – Centre for Advanced Technologies in DisasterManagement Completed 17,800/-


  • AICTE Grant for Organizing Conference Sanctioned
Sl. No: Date Funding Agency Title of the Programme Coordinators Sanctioned Funds Dept.
1 22/04/21 to 23/04/21 AICTE i-SMART 2021

International Conference

Dr. Rejeesh CR

Dr. Midhun Paul

50,000 ME


  • Prize money from Project competitions
Sl. No: Date Project title Organizing Agency/Title of the Programme Mentor Prize


1 Feb 11, 12 & 13, 2021 IoT based micro environment monitoring and management of greenhouses. 2nd prize at Vaiga Agri Hack 2021 Ms. Sreevidya P (EIE) 75,000
2 September 2021 Parametric study of mechanically stabilized earth wall using GEO 5 1st prize, All Kerala civil engineering project competition “pro Comp 2020-21” atAISAT, Kalamassery. Ms. Panjami K (CE) 10,000