FISAT Science & Technology Park and Research Centre (SPARC) aims at fostering scientific thinking and kindling research interest in the college community. ‘Envisioning Science to Society is the motto of SPARC’.
The main objectives of SPARC are:
We live in a world of accelerating technological advance. India as an emerging developing nation has to keep pace with this growth through empowering a young generation of scientists. We need scientists with a holistic vision, preserving nature and the maintaining a fine balance between preservation and development. ‘Envisioning Science to Society’ is the motto of FISAT Science & Technology Park and Research Centre. It aims to foster a new scientific perspective within the youth and thus mould young scientists for tomorrow. It is an attempt to ferret out students with exceptional scientific sparks and to recognize and honour them by framing linkage with Science & Technology Park and Research Centre, they can work on very relevant areas and indulge in project works that are the need of the hour. The activities of Science & technology Park and Research centre will bridge the gap between youth and science, young skills and social realities and enhance an overall youthful approach towards progressive trends in technology. Advanced research in science and technology is the thrust area and the park will be providing hands on experience of it in useful tangible forms to the upcoming young scientists in schools and colleges. The park will also encourage students/faculties/common man to address the problems, come up with an idea, convert it into a product or process and finally set up technology enterprises.
Facilities Provided
1. Fablab / Mobile Fablab
2. Federal Labz Incubation centre
3. Technology Business Incubation(TBI)
4. Innovation entrepreneurship Development cell (IEDC )
5. Community Research centre and Outreach programmes
6. Centre for Astronomy and Astro Physics.
7. Fab@School
8. Industry Institute Interaction Cell.
9. Intellectual Property Rights Cell (IPR Cell).