Sample Course Plan

(B.TECH 2019 – 2023 CSE A BATCH)

Sl.No. Module Proposed Date Topic Delivery Method
1 1 8/18/2020 Approaches to Software Design- Functional Oriented Design. Object-Oriented Design, Case Study of Automated Fire Alarm System. Presentation+Live class
2 8/18/2020 Basic object oriented concepts Presentation+Live class
3 8/20/2020 Object Modeling Using UML-UML diagrams, Use case model Video Lecture
4 8/21/2020 Class diagram, Interaction diagram Video Lecture
5 8/25/2020 Activity diagram, State chart diagram Video Lecture
6 8/27/2020 Java programming Environment and Runtime Environment, Development Platforms -Standard, Enterprise. Presentation+Live class
7 9/8/2020 JVM, Java compiler, Bytecode,Java applet, Java Buzzwords, Java program structure Presentation+Live class
8 9/10/2020 Comments,Lexical Issues,Garbage Collection Seminar+Live class


9 2 9/11/2020 Core Java Fundamentals: Primitive Data types, Integers, Floating Point Types, Characters, Boolean Presentation+Live class
10 9/15/2020 Literals, Type Conversion and Casting, Variables, Arrays, Strings,Vector class. Presentation+Live class
11 9/17/2020 Operators: Arithmetic Operators, Bitwise Operators, Relational Operators, Boolean Logical Operators, Assignment Operator,Conditional (Ternary) Operator, Operator Precedence. Presentation+Live class
12 9/18/2020 Control Statements: Selection Statements, Iteration Statements and Jump Statements. Presentation+Live class
13 9/22/2020 Object Oriented Programming in Java: Class Fundamentals, Declaring Objects, Object Reference, Introduction to Methods Presentation+Live class
14 9/24/2020 Constructors, this Keyword, Method Overloading Presentation+Live class
15 9/25/2020 Using Objects as Parameters Presentation+Live class
16 9/29/2020 Returning Objects, Recursion Presentation+Live class
17 10/1/2020 Access Control, static Members Presentation+Live class
10/05/20,10/6/20,10/7/20 Series Exam 1
18 10/8/2020 Final Variables, Inner Classes, Command-Line Arguments, Variable Length Arguments Presentation+Live class
19 10/9/2020 Inheritance : Super class, Sub class, the keywords super, protected Members Presentation+Live class
20 10/13/2020 Calling Order of Constructors, Method Overriding, the Object class Presentation+Live class
21 10/15/2020 Abstract Classes and Methods, Using final with Inheritance Presentation+Live class


22 3 10/16/2020 Packages and Interfaces: Defining Package, CLASSPATH, Access,Protection, Importing Packages Presentation+Live class
23 10/20/2020 Interfaces Presentation+Live class
24 10/22/2020 Input / Output: I/O Basics, Reading Console Input, Writing Console,Output, PrintWriter Class Presentation+Live class
25 10/23/2020 Object Streams and Serialization Presentation+Live class
26 10/27/2020 Working with Files Presentation+Live class
27 10/30/2020 Exception Handling: Checked Exceptions, Unchecked Exceptions, try block and catch Clause Presentation+Live class
28 11/3/2020 Multiple catch Clauses, Nested try Statements Presentation+Live class
29 11/5/2020 throw, throws and finally Presentation+Live class


30 4 11/6/2020 Java Library: String Handling – String Constructors, String Length,Special String Operations Presentation+Live class
31 11/10/2020 Character Extraction, String Comparison, Searching Strings,Modifying Strings Using valueOf( ), Comparison of String Buffer and String. Presentation+Live class
32 11/12/2020 Collections framework – Collections overview, Collections Interfaces-Collection Interface Presentation+Live class
33 11/13/2020 List Interface, Collections Class – ArrayList Class Presentation+Live class
34 11/17/2020 Accessing Collections via an Iterator. Presentation+Live class
35 11/19/2020 Event handling: Event Handling Mechanisms, Delegation Event Model Presentation+Live class
36 11/20/2020 Delegation Event Model, Event Classes Presentation+Live class
37 11/24/2020 Sources of Events, Event Listener Interfaces, Using the Delegation Model Presentation+Live class
11/25/20, 11/26/20, 11/27/20 Series Exam 2
38 12/1/2020 Multithreaded Programming: The Java Thread Model, The MainThread, Creating Multiple Threads Presentation+Live class
39 12/3/2020 Synchronization, Suspending, Resuming and Stopping Threads. Video Lecture


40 5 12/4/2020 Swings fundamentals, Swing Key Features Video Lecture
41 12/8/2020 MVC, Swing Controls, Components and Containers Presentation+Live class
42 12/10/2020 Swing Packages, Event Handling in Swings. Presentation+Live class
43 12/11/2020 Swing Layout Managers Presentation+Live class
44 12/15/2020 Exploring Swings –JFrame, JLabel, The Swing Buttons, JTextField. Video Lecture
45 12/17/2020 JDBC overview, Creating and Executing Queries – create table,delete, insert, select . Video Lecture
46 12/18/2020 Creating and Executing Queries – create table, delete, insert, select. Presentation+Live class
47 12/22/2020 Creating and Executing Queries – create table, delete, insert, select. Presentation+Live class
48 12/24/2020 Revision