SI.No |
Name of the Laboratory & Faculty In-charge |
Description with list of Major Equipment |
Photos |
1. |
Process Control Laboratory
Mrs. Sreevidya P, Asst. Professor, Dept of EIE
- Process Control Lab familiarizes measurement and control of different process parameters like temperature, pressure, flow and level.
- Sophisticated machines provide the students to study about different real time control schemes using PID Controllers.
- List of Major Equipment
- Temperature Process Station
- Level Process Station
- Flow Process Station
- Pressure Process Station
- I/P and P/I Converter
- Control Valve Characteristics.
- PLC and SCADA.
2. |
Transducers and Measurement Laboratory
Mrs. Beenu Riju, Asst. Professor , Dept of EIE. |
- The goal of the Transducer Laboratory’s sophisticated measurement instrumentation equipment is to instill technical and engineering skills so that students can receive practical knowledge.
- An effort is made to make it as simple as possible for the students to learn about the electronic instrumentation system and the different transducers used to measure things like temperature, pressure, displacement, force, speed, torque, stress, etc. through the use of “Instrumentation Trainer Kits.”
- List of Major Equipment
- LVDT Trainer Kit.
- Temperature Trainer Kit(Thermocouple)
- RTD, Thermistor
- Light Sensor such as Photodiode, LDR, Phototransistor.
- Strain gauge Trainer Kit
- Load Cell Trainer Kit
- Speed Measurement
3. |
Virtual Instrumentation Laboratory
Mr.S.Sundararajan, Asst.Professor, Dept of EIE |
- Students learn a concept through virtual instrumentation that they may use to create and integrate specialized applications for instrumentation, automation, and control systems in real time.
- List of Major Equipment
- LABVIEW Software – 30 user license.
- USB Based DAQ Cards
4. |
Microprocessors and Micro-controllers Laboratory
Mrs. Sheffy Thomas, Asst.Professor, Dept of EIE |
- The Microprocessor and Micro-controller Laboratory aids students in developing fundamental assembly language and embedded C programming abilities as well as an understanding of the fundamental operation of microprocessors and micro-controllers.
- This lab lays the groundwork for developing, deciphering, and putting engineering and programming issues into practice.
- List of Major Equipment
- 8051 Micro-controller Kits
- Stepper Motor Interfacing Card
- ADC Interfacing Card
- DAC Interfacing Card
- Keyboard Interface Card
5. |
Electronics Workshop
Mrs. Honey Devassy, Asst.Professor, Dept of EIE |
- This Laboratory primarily aims to meet the requirements of practical work meant for active components basic analysis and design custom PCB of different electronic circuits
- List of Major Equipment
- Power Supply
- Function Generator
- PCB Fabrication Units
- IC’s