Add-on Programmes
For students of first year
Course name: Introduction to programming in python
Course outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, student will be able to:
CO 1: Interpret the fundamental Python syntax and semantics and be fluent in the use of Python control flow statements.
CO 2: Express proficiency in the handling of strings and functions.
CO 3: Determine the methods to create and manipulate Python programs by utilizing the data structures like lists, dictionaries, tuples and sets.
CO 4: Identify the commonly used operations involving file systems and regular expressions.
CO 5: Articulate the object oriented programming concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism as used in Python.
For students of second year :
Course name: Python for Scientific Computing and data visualization.
Course outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, student will be able to:
CO 1 : Describe the needs and requirements of scientific computing and to familiarize python programming language for scientific computing and data visualization.
CO 2 : Approximate an array/matrix with matrix decomposition using Python
CO 3 : Implement numerical integration and differentiation using Python
CO 4 : Solve ordinary differential equations for engineering applications using Python
CO 5 : Compute with exported data from instruments using Python
CO 6 : Realize how periodic functions are constituted by sinusoids using Python
CO 7 : Simulate random processes and understand their statistics using Python
For students of third year
Course name : Computer Vision and AI
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, student will be able to:
CO 1: Write, Test and Debug Python Programs
CO 2: Identify basic concepts, theories and methods in the field of computer vision.
CO 3: Develop and apply computer vision techniques for solving practical problems.
CO 4: Develop hands-on experience to process images using AI.
CO 5: Use different machine learning techniques to design AI based solutions for real world problems.
For students of final year
Course name: Industrial oriented Semi custom layout design using Cadence and Microwind tool
Course Outcome:
After successful completion of this course, student will be able to:
CO1: Familiarise with Microwind and Cadence CAD tools
CO2: To analyse and implement various CMOS circuits using Micro wind and Cadence
CO3: Generate interest for the students to do work on core.