ACE – Student Association of the Department of Civil Engineering

ACE is the Association of Civil Engineering Students committed to inculcate the spirit of Civil Engineering and to provide ample opportunities to expose students to the various developments in the realm of Civil Engineering. ACE was initiated in the year 2013 and has been very active in organising many programs for the students. ACE has a staff advisor and the student executive committee consists of General Secretary, Treasurer and student representatives from each class.
Academic Year 2023-2024
President & General Secretary | Sivaraj B (S8 CE)
Vice President |Sreepriya S (S8 CE)
Recording Secretary |Albin Wilson (S6 CEA)
Corresponding Secretary | Aravind S Kumar (S6 CEA)
Treasurer | Jyothika K (S8 CE)
Chairperson | Varsha K (S8 CE) (Publicity, Social Activities and Fundraising)
Chairperson |Rehan N (S8 CEB) (Community Service and Membership
Batch Representatives
- Mohammed Imtiaz
- Lakshmi Dinesh
- Vysakh KM
- Nandana S
- Rehan Naushad
- Aaliya Jamal
- Keerthana Biju
- Niveditha Suresh
- Varsha K
- Susan Alex
- Aswathy Unni
- Teresa Prasad
- Nandagopan P
- Abhiram TS
- Mohammed Al Faz KS
Staff in Charge| Abin Thomas CA, Sreerath S