Sample Course Plan
Module Day Topic
1 1 Introduction, Classification of Energy Resources-

Conventional and Non conventional resources

1 2 Comparison of different types of resources
1 3 World Energy Scenario
1 4 Indian Energy Scenario.
1 5 Sizing and Necessity of Energy Storage.
2 7 Solar Constant, Basic Sun Earth Angles,

Measurement of Solar Radiation Data

2 8 Problems
2 9 Pyranometer and Pyrheliometer
2 10 Principle of Conversion of Solar Radiation

into Heat

2 11 Solar thermal collectors
2 12 Solar thermal collectors
2 13 Flat plate collectors
2 14 Solar Concentrators
2 15 Solar Concentrators
2 16 Performance evaluation

Electric Power Generation ––Solar Photovoltaic system

3 18 Solar Cell fundamentals,characteristics,
3 19 Classification, construction of module,

panel and array

3 20 Solar PV Systems- stand alone and grid connected
3 21 Street lighting, Domestic lighting and Solar Water pumping systems.
4 22 ENERGY FROM OCEAN: Tidal Energy, Principle of Tidal Power,

Components of Tidal Power Plant (TPP),

4 23 Classification of Tidal Power plants,

Advantages and Limitations of TPP.

4 24 OTEC: Principle of OTEC system,

Methods of OTEC-open cycle, Closed Cycle,

Hybrid Cycle

4 25 Site selection criteria, Biofouling,Advantages & Limitations of OTEC
5 26 WIND ENERGY: Introduction, Wind and

its Properties, History of Wind Energy

5 27 Wind Energy Scenario-world and India,
5 28 WECS-principle,components
5 29 WECS-classification
5 30 Derivation of power and capacitor factor,

Advantages and Disadvantages of WECS

5 31 Problems
6 32 BIOMASS ENERGY:Introduction,

Photosynthesis process

6 33 Biomass fuels, Biomass conversion technologies,

Urban waste to Energy conversion

6 34 Biomass Gasification, Biomass to Ethanol


6 35 Biogas production from waste biomass,

factors affecting biogas generation

6 36 Types of biogas plants
6 37 Small Hydro Power-Classification
6 38 Type of Turbines and their selection
39 University Question Paper Discussion
40 University Question Paper Discussion