Faculty Achievements
Academic Year 2023-2024
- Dr.Archana R, HoD , EEE secured a 20 year patent on ‘Wireless Sensor Networks Lifetime Maximization through Energy-Driven Partioning’

Academic Year 2022-2023
1.Dr. Rabiya Rasheed completed Post Doctoral Fellowship in Kempten University of Applied Sciences, Germany in the area of “Battery Recycling” during July 2022 to Dec 2022
Academic Year 2021-2022
1.Dr. Rabiya Rasheed, Ph.D Awarded on 10.08.2021 by CUSAT (Cochin University of Science and Technology) on thesis “A Reduced Switch Multilevel Inverter Topology For DC-AC Conversion.”
Academic Year 2020-2021
1.Dr. Archana R was approved as a research guide by APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University.
2.Dr. Parvathy R was approved as a Co- Supervisor in research guidance by APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University.
3.Around 90 programmes including FDPs, Workshops, Seminars and conferences were attended by different faculties of the department.
4.All faculties of the Department completed 10 day Industry Oriented Training programme on Transmission SCADA organized by the department in association with Kerala State Electricity Board Engineers’ Association(KSEBEA).
5.Project proposal titled “DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A TWO PHASE BUCK CONVERTER FOR LOW POWER APPLICATIONS.” Submitted by Dr.Parvathy R as PI and Newny Pius,Nikitha Mariam Biji,Harish Laj as student investigator(s) got selected for Financial assistance for Student project scheme of KSCSTE(Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment)
6.Project proposal titled “REALIZATION OF BIDIRECTIONAL DC-DC CONVERTERS FOR EV APPLICATION USING WlDE BAND GAP POWER DEVICES.” submitted by Dr. Surya Susan Alex as PI and Anagha N, Roshni V G,Arya E P,Nimisha K M as student investigator(s) got selected for Financial assistance for Student project scheme of KSCSTE (Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment).
7.Project proposal titled “DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF LOW COST HOME AUTOMATION SWITCH” submitted by Mr. Muhamed Noufal C as PI and Daniel Sunny, Delwin D Arickel, Jerom Joyan, Krishna Prasad N as student investigator(s) got selected for Financial assistance for Student project under APJKTU CERD Scheme
8.“An advanced approach for efficient mode of organ transportation” an article on project work done by Asulabha Sathyan, Reny Mary Destin, Bhadresha. K.S, Devika Rajan,of S8 EEE guided by Ms. Rinku Scaria, Assistant Professor, EEE got selected for publishing in Elsevier Scopus Indexed Materials Today: Proceedings.
9.Ms. Surya Susan Alex was awarded Ph.D on December 3rd, 2020 (Cochin University of Science And Technology ) Title: “REALIZATION OF OPTIMIZED OBSERVERS FOR SPEED AND POSITION ESTIMATION IN SENSORLESS BLDC MOTORS”
Academic Year 2019-2020
1.Dr. Parvathy R is recognised as a reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.
2.Dr. Surya Susan Alex is recognised as a reviewer of International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems,Wiley publications
3.Dr. Archana R provided consultancy services for TELK , Kerala .
4.Mr.Muhamed Noufal C provided consultancy services for EINS Technologies India PVT LTD,Mumbai from 9th December 2019 to 3rd January 2020.
5.Around 83 programmes including FDPs, Workshops, Seminars and conferences were attended by different faculties of the department.