Activity Reports of FIESTA
AlgoRhythm 2k23 – Two- day Intra-Departmental Techno-Cultural Fest
The Intra-Departmental Techno-Cultural Fest of the Department of Computer Applications, AlgoRhythm2k23, was an exciting and vibrant event that showcased the talent, innovation, and creativity of students within the department. This two-day fest, held on 10th & 11th November 2023, was organized by the students’ association of the department, FIESTA (FISAT Enthusiastic Software Techies Association). This fest served as a platform for students to come together, celebrate their love for technology, and collaborate in a fun and competitive environment. The combination of technology and culture reflected the diverse interests and abilities of the students, making the fest an engaging and multifaceted event.
Inaugural ceremony of AlgoRhythm2k23 was presided over by the honorable Chairman of FISAT Mr Shimith P.R. The distinguished alumni of the Department of Computer Applications, Mr Amal Devassia (Asst.Manager, Federal Bank, Idukki) and Mr Amal Joy Maliekal (Software Engr, Speridian Technologies, Kochi) inaugurated the Fest. The fest included a variety of activities, such as mock recruitment, best IT team, mock CID, treasure hunt, etc. These technical events were organized on the first day of the fest. The students of the department were grouped into 4 groups and the competitive spirit among the groups was intense as participants showcased their proficiency in various technical events.
Alongside the technical events, there were cultural performances on the second day (11th November 2023) to add a creative and entertaining dimension to the fest. Students showcased their talents through dance, music, and drama performances. The fusion of technology and culture reflected the diverse interests and skills of the computer applications students.
The fest ended up with the much-anticipated awards ceremony, recognizing outstanding achievements in various competitions. Excitement filled the air as winners took the stage to receive their accolades. Mr Austin Dan, Cine Actor was the chief guest of the valedictory ceremony and Dr. Mini P R, Principal-incharge, FISAT presided over the meeting.
Dr. Deepa Mary Mathews (HoD-MCA) was the General Convenor of the event. Dr Shidha M.V & Dr Rakhi Venugopal were the faculty coordinators and Mr Adarsh M & Ms. Sibi Babu were the student coordinators of AlgoRhythm2K23.
ProjectEvo -2K22
The Department of Computer Applications in association with FIESTA organized the Project Exhibition of 2020 Batch named “ProjectEvo -2K22” on 11th July 2022. 10 Selected Projects were exhibited in the exhibition. Dr. Prasad J C and Mr. Pankaj Kumar, faculty members of the CSE Dept. were the project evaluators. The project “Retail Recommendation System” done by Mr Dennis Mathew of 2020 A batch secured the first prize and the second-best project was “Smart Ration System using RFID & IoT” done by Mr. Kiran Karthikeyan of 2020 B batch.
Feliz Natal 2022
The FIESTA Cell of the Department of Computer Applications organized Feliz Natal 2022 , with a handful of seasonal cultural programmes and fun events on 23rd December 2022. Dr. Deepa Mary Mathews, HoD-MCA conveyed seasonal greetings to all the faculty and students of the department. A Christmas message was given to the audience by Dr. Santhosh Kottam. Cake cutting, Carols, Dances, coloured the stage.
Ormacheppu 2k23
The farewell function of 2021 Batch -”Ormacheppu 2k23” was organized on 12th June 2023 by FIESTA. The head of the department Dr. Deepa Mary Mathews welcomed the gathering and delightedly announced various awards of the batch for their achievements during their period of study. Academic Performance Award, Best Project Award, Best Paper Presenter Award and prizes of various competitions organized by FIESTA had been distributed. Group advisors of 2021 batches, Dr.Santhosh Kottam, Ms.Rose Mary Mathew, Dr.Shidha M V, Ms.Senu Abi shared their experience with the batch. Students also shared about their life at FISAT. Students made the programme a memorable one with colorful events. They also planted a tree, planting a hope of their future.
World Environment Day
World Environment Day is observed on 5 June to spread awareness for the protection of the environment. FIESTA organized a Quiz Competition for the MCA students on 5th June 2023 to test the knowledge on this yearly event. Mr. Joby Jose and Ms. Anjana Joseph were the quiz masters. Five teams participated in the final round and the team of Leaya Joseph and Jancy M J of 2022 B Batch secured first prize and Arjun M S and Anoop Joji of 2022 A Batch secured second prize in the competition.
Scientia 2K23
An Intra-Department Paper Presentation Contest “Scientia 2K23“was held on Tuesday, 9th May 2023. Recent articles in Computer Science were presented by forth semester MCA students. Mr. Pankaj Kumar G and Ms. Joice T were the members of judging committee. Ms. Smruthi Sherly Jaison secured the first prize and Mr.Emmanuel Jose & Ms. Farzeena P A shared the second prize.
Techno Scrap 2k23
The Department of Computer Applications in association with FIESTA organized Techno Scrap, an e-waste recycling competition on 20th January 2023. The aim of the competition was to cultivate innovative ideas to build models from e-waste. Mr. Abhinav H of 2021 A batch secured first prize in the competition and Ms.Anjana Joseph of 2022 B batch secured the second prize.
(2021 -2022)
1. Expert Talk
Event: Expert talk on “Environment Sustainability”
Date: 8/7/2021
Platform: Webex
Participants: S6 MCA 2018 B
Resource Person: Mr. Renganathan. K., Project Manager, Environmental Resource Management, Bangalore
Report: On July 8th, the Department of Computer Applications conducted a talk on Environment Sustainability for S6 MCA 2018 Regular Batch students. Mr. Renganathan. K., Project Manager (Environmental Resource Management, Bangalore) was the resource person and in his talk he focused on all aspects of environmental studies and sustainability on which our current generation is moving on. He showed how important environmental sustainability studies have become over the years. Many students have raised their opinions and asked various questions to understand the subject further. The speaker finally showed the job opportunities of computer professionals to work under many related companies in India. The talk was started with the welcome speech by the Head of the department, Dr. Deepa Mary Mathews. She had mentioned the reason for conducting such a talk and the relevance of the topic in this era. Ms. Joice T, Assistant Professor expressed the gratitude to the resource person and to the listeners.
2. Project Exhibition
Event: Virtual Project Expo 2021
Date: 19/07/2021
Platform: GMeet
Evaluators: Mr. Santhosh Kottam & Ms. Sona Mary Louis
Report: The Department of Computer Applications in association with FIESTA has conducted an Online Project Demo Exhibition/Competition on 19/07/2021. The Head of the Department, Dr. Deepa Mary Mathews addressed the gathering and spoke about the relevance of the event. Mr. Santhosh Kottam and Ms. Sona Mary Louis were the project evaluators. Students of S4 MCA attended the online exhibition conducted through Webex Platform. Best Project selected by the jury is “Crowdfunding Using Ethereum Blockchain” by Mr. Deepak Kurien. Ms. Shidha M.V, FIESTA staff coordinator concluded and proposed vote of thanks.
3. Farewell to 2018 batch
Event: ADIEU – Virtual Farewell
Date: 29/07/2021
Platform: GMeet
Report: The online farewell programme started with a silent prayer, thereafter Dr. Deepa Mary Mathews, Head, Department of Computer Applications, welcomed the gathering. Dr. Manoj George, Principal of FISAT addressed the gathering. Several awards of recognitions for the students in the batch have been announced by the HOD. Mr. Santhosh Kottam, Ms. Sona Mary Louis, Ms. Joice T and Mr. Jomon M C delivered the felicitations. A Video of the happy moments of MCA18-21 in FISAT has been played and the melodious songs from the students’ side made the event more colorful and nostalgic. The best wishes video of teachers has been played. The experience shared from the students’ side gave the programme to an emotional end. The Programme winded up by 1:00pm with the vote of thanks proposed by Mr. Nikhil Kaimal, Class representative.
4. Poster Design Competition
Event: Poster Design Competition
Date: 15/08/2021
Platform: GMeet
Report: A poster design competition for the students has been organized by the association on 15th August 2021 as a part of our 75th Independence day celebration. Many students participated and Ms. Aleena Shibu of S3 MCA- A(2020 Batch ) won the first prize.
5. ONAM Celebration
Event: VIRTUONAM -2K21
Date: 18/08/2021
Report: The virtual Onam celebration for the MCA students was conducted on 18th August 2021. Mr. Amal Devasia, Student Secretary, FIESTA welcomed the gathering. Dr. Deepa Mary Mathews, HOD, Department of Computer Applications addressed the gathering and conveyed her Onam Wishes to all. Mr.Santhosh Kottam, Ms. Senu Abi, Ms.Manju Joy, Ms.Shidha M.V felicitated the event. As a part of VIRTUONAM 2K21, competitions like Kerala Sreeman/Malayali Manga, Onappattu, Selfie with pookkalam were conducted. Amal Devassia (MCA S5 B) has won the first prize for Onappattu, Amal Thomas (MCA S5 B) has been selected as the Kerala Sreeman and Nimisha M.M (MCA S2 B) as the Kerala Manga. The first and second prize for the “Selfie with Pookkalam” competition have been won by Miranta Joshy (MCA S2 B) and Gayathri S Kumar (MCA S2 A). Aishwarya S Kumar(MCA S5 B), Student Rep, FIESTA conveyed the gratitude to all gathered for the event.
6. Speech Competition
Event: Speech Competition
Date: 1/10/2021
Report: A Speech Competition on the topic “What would be India in 2021 in Gandhiji’s Dream” has been organized related to Gandhi Jayanthi celebration. Mr.Alfin Shaji, S3 MCA- A batch was the winner.
7. FM Diary Logo Design Competition
Event: Logo Design Competition
Date: 15/12/2021
Report: A Logo Design Competition has been conducted for FM Diary in the month of December 2021. The logo designed by Mr.Alfin Shaji, S3 MCA- A is selected as the logo for the FM diary and he has been awarded with the prize for the same.
8. Christmas Celebration
Event: Feliz Natal 2021
Date: 23/12/2021
Report: Christmas is celebrated in the department on 23rd December 2021.The Feliz Natal 2021 is a bit different from that in 2020 as it was a technical cum celebration event. The event was courteous with the presence of Honourable Chairman of FISAT, Mr. Shimith P R, Principal Dr. Manoj George, Vice Principal Dr. C Sheela, Dean academics Dr. Mini P R along with the members of Team MCA. The FM Diary Communication Channel was inaugurated by the Chairman of FISAT Mr. Shimith P R and he released its logo. The FM Diary platform is meant for delivering various healthy practices and also serves as a communication channel of the department. The department initiated a set of good and healthy practices meant to build confidence in the students and also to train them to crack the placement drives. Prizes for various competitions organized by the FIESTA have been distributed by the officials. Official meeting concluded with the Vote-of-thanks by Mr. Amal Devasia, the Student Secretary of FIESTA. Slices of cake distributed switched the environment to a celebration mood. The stage was then taken by the singers and dancers of the department.
1. Project Exhibition
Event: Virtual Project Expo 2020
Date: 14/08/2020
Platform: GMeet
Evaluators: Mr. Santhosh Kottam & Ms. Manju Joy
Report: Department of Computer Applications in association with FIESTA has conducted a Virtual Project Expo on 14/8/2020 from 10 AM to 1 PM in which a total of ten selected projects- 5 from each S6 MCA Regular and S4 MCA SD students were exhibited. Each student had made a 20 Minutes presentation and answered all queries from the judges and participants. The Best Projects selected by the Jury are the projects done by Sanjo George (S6 Regular) & Amal Babu (S4 SD). Students of S2 MCA 2019 batch and S4 MCA 2018 batch students attended the online Project exhibition conducted through Google Meet Platform. It was very useful for junior students to clear their project related queries and for getting an idea about the latest technologies.
2. Webinar
Event: Webinar on Machine Learning
Date: 19/8/2020
Resource Person : Dr. Sreeraj M, Asst. Professor, Sree Ayyappa College, Chengannur
Beneficiaries: S2 MCA 2019 batch & S4 MCA 2018 batch students
Platform: GMeet
Report: The Department of Computer Applications in association with FIESTA organized a Webinar on Machine Learning on 19/08/2020, Wednesday. The resource person was Dr.Sreeraj M, Asst. Professor, Sree Ayyappa College, Chengannur. The objective of the seminar was to give an insight about the scope and recent research trends in machine learning. Dr. Sreeraj gave some guidelines to do projects in different domains of machine learning. The webinar was much helpful in understanding the different phases of machine learning project development. Through the Q&A session, he cleared the doubts of students regarding the ML project. It was very effective and fruitful.
3. Onam Celebration
Event: VirtuOnam2k20
Date: 27/8/2020
Participants: MCA Students
Platform: GMeet
Report: Onam 2020 celebration was different this year due to the pandemic spread of COVID-19. This year the department in association with FIESTA celebrated Onam- VirtuOnam in a unique way through an online platform. The programme was on 27/08/2020 at 10 AM. Mr. Nikhil Kaimal (Student Secretary, FIESTA) welcomed all participants and the inauguration was done by respected HOD of Computer Applications, Mr. Santhosh Kottam. There are three events included in the schedule- Malayali Maran/Manka competition, Onappattu and Selfie with Pookkalam. All students and faculty members actively participated in the programme. The details of the winners are given below.
>Malayali Maran/ Manka Competition
Malayali Maran- Mr. Deepak Kurien, S5 MCA
Malayali Manka- Ms. Kavya G- S5 MCA
> Onappattu
First Prize- Ms. Yamini K, S5 MCA
Second Prize- Mr. Amal Devassia, S3 MCA-B
> Selfie with Pookkalam
First Prize- Ms. Bhagya Madhu, S3 MCA-A
Second Prize- Ms. Amritha B Nair, S5 MCA
4. Christmas Celebration
Event: FELIZ NATAL 2020
Date: 18/12/2020
Participants: MCA Students
Platform: WebeX
Report: Department of Computer Applications in association with FIESTA conducted virtual Christmas celebration FELIZ NATAL 2020 on 18th December 2020 through Webex. The programme started at 10AM with an invocation of a silent prayer. Mr. Nikhil Kaimal, Student Secretary, FIESTA welcomed all of the faculty members and students to the event. Respected HOD Mr. Santhosh Kottam gave the initial speech and greetings. The event was a united effort of S1 (A & B), S3 (A & B), and S5 regular batches. Carols, cake baking, dance and games were played through an online platform. Every teacher conveyed their Christmas and New Year greetings. The programme was ended with a vote of thanks by Ms. Anita Prince, Student Representative, FIESTA.
(National Level IT Fest and Techno-Cultural Fest)
>> Prayaan
Prayaan 2k18, a two-day National Level IT Fest held on 16th and 17th of February 2018 was an initiative taken by FIESTA. Around 230 students actively participated in all the challenging technical events. The prize amount was worth a total of One Lakh Ten Thousand with placement offers from UST Global exclusively for the winners of the Coding event. Ms.Eesha Priya IAS, Asst. Collector of Emakulum inaugurated the Fest on 15th February 2018. The students were presented with an array of technical events such as Coding, Web Hunt, IT Quiz, Gaming, Mock CID, Best Gang, Photography and 3D ball game. The events on the first day ended with a Cultural Extravaganza’ in which the MCA students showcased their talents through dance & music. On the 17th February, all the semi-final and final rounds were held from which the winners were selected. A live interview was held by Mr. Praseed Pai, Senior solutions architect, UST Global in the final round of Coding Event. During the valedictory function, prizes were distributed to all the winners. M.A College, kothamangalam emerged as the overall champions of the Fest.
Everybody received thanks and appreciation for their hard work and the participants returned home with positive feedback. The decorations put up by MCA students with eco-friendly and recycled items received many good comments. Prayaan 2k18 which was a real intellectual journey of technocrats ended on a positive note with much happiness and expectations of a similar successful fest in years to come.
>> AlgoRhythm
AlgoRhythm is a two-day Techno-Cultural Fest which aims at promoting the technical and Cultural Talents of MCA students. AlgoRhythm 2K17 was a two day Techno-Cultural Fest aimed to promote the technical and cultural talents of MCA students. The fest was inaugurated by Mr.Paul Mundadan, Chairman, FISAT Governing body. AlgoRhythm 2k17 included a Quiz Competition – Arivinte Uravidam, a logo Competition , Uppilitta Logo & invited talk on “Internet of Things” by Dr.G.Santhosh Kumar ,Asst. Prof. Department of Computer Science, CUSAT. The second day of AlgoRhythm 2k17 was exclusively for promoting cultural talents of MCA students.
AlgoRhythm 2K14 fest was inaugurated by Prof Mini Ulanat, Systems Manager, CUSAT on 25th and 26th April 2014. Mr. Paul Mundadan, Chairman, FISAT Governing body presided over the function. AlgoRhythm 2k14 included a Quiz Competition – ExQuizIT 2k14, invited lectures on “Big Data Analytic” by Prof Mini Ulanat and “M2 – Mind Matters” by Mr Jayraj Hrishikesh, National Faculty, Art of Living. The second day of AlgoRhythm 2k14 was exclusively for promoting cultural talents of MCA students.