Department Quality Assurance Cell

To monitor the quality of academic activities and events conducted in the department, the Department Quality Assurance Committee (DQAC) meets Once in a semester.The functions of DQAC includes

  1. Consolidate the gaps in curriculum identified in CAC and report to DAB
  2. Convey the decisions and suggestions received from IQAC & DAB
  3. Review the findings of academic audits (internal/external).
  4. Prepare action plan for the upcoming semester
  5. Analyze feedback response from students, parents, alumni employers and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes.
  6. Dissemination of quality procedures among stakeholders
  7. Review the quality of programs conducted and its contribution to PO attainments based on feedback and impact analysis.
  8. Suggest the methods to improve PO attainment.
  9. Encourage and initiate proposals for external funding and patents.
  10. Review the number of publications by the faculty members

DQAC Members (2024-2025)

1 Dr. Deepa Mary Mathews Chairperson (Head ,Dept. of Computer Applications)
2 Dr.Rose Mary Mathew DQAC Coordinator
3 Dr. Shidha M V Member (PAC Convenor)
4 Dr.Santhosh Kottam Member
5 Dr. Shahna K U Member
6 Dr Rakhi Venugopal Member
7 Ms. Salini T K Member (Lab Staff)
7 Mr. Abijith V Member (Student Representative)