Programme Assessment Committee

To monitor the activities of CAC and oversee the academic activities of the department, the Programme Assessment Committee (PAC) of the department meets twice in a semester.The functions of PAC includes:

  1. Recommend actions to address the gaps in curriculum in align with industry and academic standards.
  2. Develop and plan academic activities to improve the quality of the program as informed by the DAC and DQAC for the semester.
  3. Prepare the Department calendar in line with the university and institution calendar.
  4. Analyse the attainment of POs & periodically revise target levels for POs
  5. Coordinate the bridge courses, add-on courses, and other co-curricular activities to enhance student competencies and ensure industry readiness.
  6. Suggest remedial actions for improvement of attainments and analyse the effectiveness of remedial measures and provide recommendations for continuous improvement.
  7. To monitor the feedback processes and identify corrective measures on the overall feedback received from various stakeholders about the program management.
  8. Analyse the research activities of the department such as publications and funding

PAC Members (2024-2025)

Sl.No Name of the Faculty Designation
1 Dr. Deepa Mary Mathews Head of the Department
2 Dr. Shidha  M V Convener PAC
3 Ms. Manju Joy Member (CAC Head – AI & Data Science)
4 Dr. Sujesh P Lal Member (CAC Head – OS, IoT & Mobile Computing)
5 Dr. Shahna K U Member (NBA)
6 Dr. Rose Mary Mathew Member (DQAC)