Post-Event Summary Report
- Name of the Event : Managing Innovations within Firms with Successful Teams
- Date of Event : 22nd January 2022, 9:00am 10:00 am
- Platform of the Session : Online- Googlemeet
- Number of Participants : 119
- Resource Person : Dr. Anoo Anna Anthony, Associate Professor, FISAT Business School

A Session on “Managing Innovations within Firms with Successful Teams”
On 22nd January, the Department of Computer Applications, conducted a session on Managing Innovations within Firms with Successful Teams in connection with Entrepreneurship and Innovations in Technology (a non-credit course in MCA curriculum). The main emphasis of the session was to provide an insight about the Entrepreneurship opportunities.
The session was conducted for the first semester MCA 2021 Batch students. The programme started at 9:00am with a silent prayer through online platform-Google meet. The resource person, Dr. Anoo Anna Anthony, Associate Professor, FBS, presented the session well and in an interesting way. She presented how to Managing Innovations within Firms. During the programme, the participants had an opportunity to ask doubts and questions regarding the topic.
The session started with the welcome speech by Ms. Senu Abi (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Applications, FISAT). She has mentioned the reason for conducting such a programme and the relevance of the topic in the MCA curriculum. The session was an overwhelming success and all students gained knowledge and understanding about the importance of Managing Innovations within Firms.
Post-Event Summary Report
- Name of the Event : NASSCOM- Be a Studentpreneur
- Date of Event : 29th January 2022, 10:00 am – 12.00 pm
- Platform of the Session : Online- Googlemeet
- Number of Participants : 186
- Resource Person : Akhil Madav, Maker Manager, Cisco thingQbator
A Session on “NASSCOM- Be a Studentpreneur”

On 29th January, the Department of Computer Applications, conducted a session on “NASSCOM- Be a Studentpreneur” in association with IEDC FISAT. The main emphasis of the session was to provide an insight about the Entrepreneurship opportunities and startups in India.
The session was conducted for the MCA students. The programme started at 9:00am with a silent prayer through online platform-Google meet. The resource person, Akhil Madav, Maker manager at Cisco thing Qbator, presented the session well and in an interesting way. He presented opportunities for the students in startups in Kerala. During the programme, the participants had an opportunity to ask doubts and questions regarding the startup opportunities.